Becoming more productive

Becoming more productive

The administrative tasks required to run your business are time-eaters. Wouldn’t you rather be spending more time on product design and building relationships with your customers?

Today, it’s easy to out-source the mundane routine tasks that need to be done, but are essential in keeping the business running smoothly. A lot of businesses, outsource their bookkeeping to BAS Agents, such as Plum Business Solutions. Here are some other tasks you can outsource to a specialist outside your business:

  • Writing content for your website

  • Writing reports

  • Writing procedure manuals

  • Writing emails and newsletters

  • Editing documents you’ve written to correct grammar and word usage

Passing these tasks on to someone else not only frees up valuable time, it also frees up your mind so that you can focus on the more important aspects of your business. When your brain isn’t working on routine tasks, it’s free to explore new designs, new products and new ways of selling.

One thing for sure is you won’t be spending your weekend on catch up.

“It’s expensive to outsource,” you say. Let’s think about this a little differently. How much is your time worth? Now multiply that by the number of hours it will take you to complete the task. Do the same calculation from the point of view of the person you have tasked to do the job. Remember they specialize in what they do. They have their own shortcuts to get an end result. They have systems in place that makes this easy for them because they have been doing it a long time for all kinds of different businesses.

And here’s something else: what they don’t tell you is that they outsource the tasks that are time-wasters for them because they don’t like doing those tasks; they love what they do and pass on the tasks they don’t to others. Don’t delay!

When you compare the time you are spending on a particular task to get it going, with the extra time you are going to gain while the outsourcer is doing the work, doesn’t it make sense to outsource? Your mind is free to work on other important areas of your business, like connecting with prospective clients and telling them about all the fabulous services your business offers.

Have you ever thought of drafting your report, website content, emails, and/or newsletters and let someone else put their ideas into the document? If you outsource this exercise after you have drafted the document, not only will you have someone else’s perspective to improve the document, but also you may have a succinct way of getting your message across.

Think of the hours you’ll save!

It really is worth outsourcing your bookkeeping and writing/editing needs. At Plum Business Solutions we can help you save time, save money, create great documents and give you more time to focus on building your core business. That means more time being with your family and having fun adventures. Who doesn’t want that?

Contact us today to get these mundane tasks done so that you can get on with having more fun doing the things you like doing!


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