Super Parents

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Hello Super Dad and Super Mum!

How do you manage your busy day? You are raising a family, running a business, building wealth, educating your children, protecting them physically, and developing resilience in them.

“I am doing my best to be a super parent,” you say, “but I feel like an impostor. In my business and at home I am going from one crisis to the next. I can’t seem to get on top of everything I have to do.”

I hear you! I have been there, expecting to be super-human! I was running a business, homeschooling, nursing a sick husband and writing a book! Sadly it ended with stress over-load and I ended up in hospital for three days. Before my doctor sent me home, he warned me to slow down or he’d put me on medication. I’m not the medicine-taking type, especially when there is an alternative, so I had no option to slow my business down. In fact, I sold my business so that I could regain my health.

It took me eighteen months to overcome my stress attack. My brain was fried, I just couldn’t think, no matter how hard I tried, it was an enormous effort, just to get myself through each day. I don’t want to ever go back there again. I am telling you this story to make you aware of what can happen when you expect you can do everything … now!

You don’t have to do everything … now! Your thoughts are expecting you to do everything now. You may be listening to your thoughts which are controlled by the ego. You ego wants you to win … in all areas of your life. There are people out there who can help you. A gentle reminder here that your children are only going to be with you for eighteen years then they’ll be out of the nest pursuing their dreams and exploring a much wider world. You will have so much time you will need to find new activities to fill your day because you miss them so badly. Where did the time go?

It’s time to get off the merry-go-round. Children need time with their parents. They need their parents to listen and hear what they are saying. They are getting information from all different sources and some of it may not be good for them. Often they need you to help them work through the good and bad of the information they receive. They need to discuss ideas and how life is for them. They need to know you have their back. They understand you are busy, but they need to know you care and that you are there for them.

If you want your children to be part of your life when they grow up, it’s important to make strong connection throughout their growing years. This takes time and our time is limited, so it’s important to make the best use of your time. I’ve mentioned in a previous post how important it is to outsource those core areas of your business that you find time consuming and are not congruent with how you want to do business.

Do yourself a favour, find people who are good at what they do and get them to do the hard slog for you. Let someone else take the load. You’ll be happier those tasks are no longer piling up waiting to be done, you have more time for planning the business, but most important of all, you will be more relaxed. You will take your relaxed self home to your family, and the end result is a happy and relaxed and connected family, enjoying life and having fun. Your business will become fun, too. The benefits of outsourcing all those areas of life are enormous.

Start working on outsourcing today, and watch your happiness and wellbeing grow.

If it’s bookkeeping, editing or ghostwriting, we’re hear to help. Don’t delay, contact us now.


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